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Halting the Flow to Syria So far, German justice officials have had difficulty bringing Salafist Muslim women to justice. There are a number of reasons for this: One is that women tend to boast less than men about their acts and another is that fewer pass through the terror militias' training camps.

The verbal garbage, being spread by the highly positioned political privileged persons within Germany, results hinein the absolute opposite as to that which is intended. Whether it is, through a politically influenced Auf dem postweg-dative reduction of the number of Dresden bombing victims, from 200,000 to 25,000, or the assertion that the flocks of men and women travelling to Syria to join the jihad has nothing to do with their religion.

Wohnraum wird in der Regel renoviert, um vorhandenen Gebäudestrukturen, die mit der Zeit unpraktisch oder gar unbenutzbar geworden sind, neues Leben einzuhauchen. Die Herausforderung besteht Dadrin, die Bestandsgebäude den heutigen Standards anzupassen, ohne die Elemente nach zerstören, die wir Wahrscheinlich weiternutzen möchten oder die wir besonders mögen. Dass die meisten alten HäEndbenutzer spürbar zergliedert sind, entspricht den menschlichen Gewohnheiten ihrer Zeit außerdem den dereinst verfügbaren Baumethoden. Heutzutage wohnen wir lieber rein offenen Grundrissen ansonsten luftigen Entfernen. Neue Konstruktionstechniken zeugen es uns möglicherweise, Wände zu fortbewegen zumal Freiräume nach ins leben rufen. Im gange kann die Renovierung ebenso Modernisierung unserer Wohnräume sehr unterschiedlich ausfallen – vom Übergang veralteter Armaturen des weiteren Spießäte über Dasjenige Einreißen zumal Wiederaufbauen von Wänden bis hin nach kompletten Anbauten.

He doesn't want anybody at their school, including their best friends, to know about his daughters' attempt to join the jihad. "Otherwise, the two wouldn't have a chance," their father says.

Hamdi and Amine managed to convince Fatma to return home to Augsburg and they contacted the police rein Germany to notify them of their impending arrival so as to avoid problems at the border. But they hadn't told investigators about the trip prior to leaving. Stumm, the family could have resumed their normal lives in Augsburg's Bismarckviertel neighborhood. The daughters may even have turned away from radical Islamism. But that is not how things turned out.

According to German security officials, around 100 women from Germany have headed to the war zone thus far. More image source than half of them left the country hinein the summer of 2014.

Once there, the women are "entirely dependent on the kindness of the men," says Hans-Joachim von Wachter, the head of the Bremen state chapter of the Office of the Protection of the Constitution, Germany's domestic intelligence agency. Sources within Western intelligence services report that the jihadists also engage hinein so-called "temporary marriages". In most instances this means the relationship lasts for the duration of sexual intercourse -- and whether the woman enters into it voluntarily or against her will matters little. Controversial interpretations of the Koran are used as justification -- readings which hold that the gratification of jihadists is purportedly rein accordance with the will of Allah. An internal analysis from the security authorities states that this has been used as the Lager to "force women into marriage and sex hinein several dozen instances."

100 German Women rein the War Zone They are questions for which he has no answers. He has been tasked with explaining the unfathomable: the fact that his daughter is one of the young Muslim women Weltgesundheitsorganisation turned away from the Western world to Keimzelle a new life behind full veils hinein Syria or Iraq -- in a world where women's rights don't exist, where there is no running water, where health insurance is unheard of.

In Syria, she lived hinein a village that was struck repeatedly by missiles and bombs. Karolina R. wrote that the men set off on combat missions during the day before returning home at night.

Rein the meantime, the women would cook, clean and take care of the children. Although she wrote that my blog she welches never attacked, she advised other women, "Learn to shoot and learn how to use weapons! Because when it comes down to it, you'll have to know how to use them!"

A Small Group Radicalizes To Beryllium sure, the Salafist scene rein Augsburg is small and not thought to Beryllium violence prone. But even here, there are those Weltgesundheitsorganisation my sources propagate adherence to Sharia law. One of them managed to radicalize a whole group of young women rein Augsburg.

Nevertheless, he stumm holds the view that the stoning of an unfaithful woman is justifiable, at least as a deterrent. "A woman who knows she could face such punishment would never do anything like that," Amine's husband is convinced.

The image made its way around the world. Last year, Sarah's parents tried to get her back to Germany. They made it to an Islamist-controlled region where they saw men with weapons fighting for IS and veiled women. They also ultimately found Sarah, but she turned her parents away and asked them to leave. "It's too dangerous for you here," she reportedly told them.

Officials say that Fatma B. has not only succeeded rein returning to the war zone. She has also fulfilled her wish of getting married -- to a jihadist, of course.

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